Page 24 - September 2017 Voices
P. 24

I coached were all educators at some level. They  looked out past the stage lights and “connected”
      were accustomed to presenting large blocks of  with the audience for a full minute while Leila
      information as handouts or Power Point slides,  knelt to have her eyes on the same level as the
      and their audiences were expected to assimilate  cat. Her close was a strong call to action with
      it.                                                    Pancake looking at the audience through those
          In a TED talk, the supporting information  deep dark eyes.
      remains mostly secondary to the talk. I must
      have been rather unpopular when I told them                Taking Toastmasters outside the club setting
      they had to chop away at the spreadsheets and  has become part of my life. I have spoken to
      charts. Another part of the exercise included  most of the Roseburg area service clubs on
      learning that vocal presentations are processed  behalf of Toastmasters. I speak to audiences as
      on one side of the brain and visuals on the other. part of my Senior Healthcare business, and I am
      Once you move someone from left brain to right         delivering talks in a series of one-hour seminars
      brain, it’s difficult to move them back.               on Medicare and all it’s permutations.
          One of my favorite tasks was coaching Leila            I believe that it’s just part of being a good
      Goulet, who works at Wildlife Safari outside of        Toastmaster to ask people to come visit your club,
      Roseburg. She had hand-raised a Cheetah cub            contribute to making every meeting fun, and
      named Pancake. She had some good photos                when someone does appear, have the courage
      and graphics, but I suggested that I could take        to ask for the deal . . . “Would you like to make
      some new ones. The photo on the prevous page           this a regular part of your week?”
      was shot through a feeding port and the young              I had the misfortune of being told a few
      animal was trying to figure out how to eat that        years ago that a friend thought he had done
      tasty-looking arm holding the camera in their          something wrong or offended someone at my
      enclosure.                                             Toastmasters club because no one had ever asked
          The talk Leila finally gave included several       him straight-out, “would you like to join us?”
      photos I had taken. At the end, it featured a quote        I recently did a comparison, belonging to
         she really wanted the audience to remember:         Toastmasters for a whole year is less expensive
                                                             than one semester unit at a community college.
                                                                 Jim Daniel joined Toastmasters in 1997. He is a
           No one will protect what they don’t care          member of Roseburg Toastmasters and Wonderful
           about, and no one will care about what            Oregon Wordmasters. He can often be seen with his
           they have never experenced.                       favorite camera taking photos at District events.
                                                                 You can watch Leila’s TEDx Roseburg talk by
                                Sir David Attenborough       clicking here.

          I spoke with Cathey Armillas about it, and
      we decided to put the quote on the screen. Leila
      said it and repeated it as a Wildlife Safari trainer      Today TED talks are viewed more
                                                                than two million times a day and,

                                                                in my opinion, they have become the

                                                                gold standard in public speaking

                                                                and presentation skills. It also

                                                                means that, like it or not, your next

                                                                presentation will be compared to a

                                                                TED talk.

                                                                                        — Carmine Gallo —
      brought out the cheetah Leila had hand raised.
      Pancake dutifully sat on the big red dot and

         24                                                               VOLUME 4 ISSUE 3 SEPTEMBER, 2017
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