Page 9 - 2017 August Voices
P. 9

Toastmasters feeds passion and purpose                to mentor others and watch them blossom and

                                                             bloom. What a privilege to know that I’m helping
          Often I hear speeches that move me to join  someone else and making a material difference
      a cause and take action.  Sometimes I also give a  in improving their lives. The health glow you get
      speech that reminds me about something I feel  from knowing that you’re making a difference in
      strongly passionate about. Like the ‘Keynote  someone’s life, once again is a health gift I give
      address’ speech from the Professionally Speaking  to myself.
      manual—after I’d given my ‘Aging in your                   And what a blessing to know that when
      community speech,’ I felt in a space of ‘flow’  someone helps me, they in turn, receive the jolt of
      for the rest of the day. Just giving this speech  health as they receive the gift of  feeling wanted,
      fired me up, and reminded me of how simple  needed and valued. No wonder it’s something
      health ideas can revolutionize your life. Having  I look forward to every Thursday morning at
      meaning, passion and purpose are all states of  6.45am.  What a positive way to start my day!
      being that are health measures!  Your cells are  Being positive helps your health too—as does
      literally the recipient of the health biochemistry  surrounding yourself with positive people.
      that accompanies passion and purpose.

      Toastmasters gives me a sense of

          Toastmasters also allows me to rub shoulders
      and be a part of a community of a great bunch of
      people.  Being with a community of supportive
      people who are all invested in each others success,
      motivates and inspires me. It feels good to be
      with people all motivated to improve themselves
      from all cultures, creeds and countries.

      Making a difference, helping and being
      helped feels amazing, and so does being
      in a state of gratitude.                               Toastmasters also allows me to rub shoulders and be a part
                                                             of a community

          As I walk in to a meeting and am met with
      cheery greetings (I’m often both the recipient         Toastmasters provides me with laughter
      and giver of hugs) there is an Oxytocin alert!  Yay!
      My fellow members ask about my life, they care             Another gift is that the club I belong to
      about me. I feel supported and loved by them.          (Vancouver Toastmasters in Washington state)
      As if that isn’t enough of a gift itself, even more    has a theme for every meeting. For example,
      importantly it gives me another whole group of         one was celebrating laughter.  Our Toastmaster
      people to love and care about. That’s simply the       for the day, put up a sign saying: “You don’t
      great thing about love—giving it doesn’t drain or      stop laughing because you grow old.  You grow
      deplete you. The more you give, the more love          old because you stop laughing.”  And inside me
      expands, and the more you have to give.  What a        I heard my body-song start singing, laughing,
      win!  There is nothing like experiencing a sense       dancing and saying ‘YES- exactly.’
      of ‘community’ to make your cells and hormones             Throughout the meeting we had multiple
      do a happy dance.                                      chances to laugh and guffaw. And it wasn’t only
                                                             because this was the theme for the day. We
      Toastmasters expands my sense of living                have a humorist every meeting, we often hear
      a meaningful life                                      Toastmasters bridging, table topics or speeches
                                                             that make us laugh.   Multiple opportunities for
          Toastmasters gives me a chance to receive  positive endorphins to flood our cells. It wasn’t
      mentoring so I can learn and grow. In turn I get  just this meeting—it’s every meeting that either

      VOLUME 4 ISSUE 1 JULY, 2017                                                                              9
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