Page 7 - Voices 6.2017
P. 7

On Serving the Members of District 7

       by Leanna Lindquist, DTM—District Director

          Serving as a member of the District 7 Trio is both a privilege and a
      challenge. Opportunities to serve and support are there for the taking.
      Sometimes the road is bumpy and filled with potholes. Other times, the wind is at your back,
      the road is smooth, and everything works out as planned. But no matter what challenges drop
      out of the sky or what successes are celebrated, the experience is unforgettable. At the end of
      her third year in the Trio, District Director Leanna Lindquist, shares her thoughts in an open
      letter to the members of District 7 Toastmasters. [Editor]

         May 2016, the current Directors met for the  Club Growth Director Cathy French was forced
      first time. We trained for our roles. We bonded.  to resign for health reasons. We found a great
      We set our goal for year end as Presidents  replacement in John Rodke, the Division B
      Distinguished District—a stretch goal for us. It  Director. Without training, John came onboard
      meant more members earning awards. More  to finish the term. We then needed to find
      new members. More new clubs. In other words,  a Division Director replacement for him.
      loads of Distinguished clubs, 70 to be exact.          Snowapocalypse caused us to postpone TLI
         Our year started with a dedicated team  by two weeks. With only a couple of weeks left
      nicknamed “The Dream Team”. Clubs were  for training we were not able to make up the
      chartered early.  Officers attended TLI. We were  numbers. Along the way several Area Directors
      off to a great start. October 1st dues went up by  resigned or were unable to complete their
      $9. It may not have seemed like a lot, but it had  duties. We were challenged.
      a negative effect on our membership numbers.               Every year we seem to lose a few clubs.
      By the end of 2016, two of our Division  Some are expected, and need to go. Others are
      Directors had resigned, leaving vacancies in  a surprise. Every time a club is lost a new one
      hard-to-fill divisions.                                needs to charter just to stay even. We have lost
         The New Year brought more challenges.  6 such clubs this year.

     Below: 2016-17 District Executive Council at Directors Training May 21, 2016

           Quint Crispin

      VOLUME 3 ISSUE 12 JUNE, 2017                                                                             7
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