Page 26 - 2017.May Voices
P. 26


                                            Swan Island Toastmasters

                                            by Trenna Xavier, ACB, ALB

                                       In 2010 the Swan  four meetings a month, nothing stops the Swan
                                   Island Toastmasters  Island Toastmasters from holding a special
      club was chartered as a closed club with the goal  meeting to help someone finish a manual
      of supporting self-improvement and personal  before they embark onto another phase of life.
      growth among Daimler Trucks North America  Relocations, promotions and retirements—you
      (DTNA) employees. If there is one thing that has  name it—the club celebrated and made sure that
      shined the most in the Swan Island club, it’s the  every member has the opportunity for personal
      support. The club started out as one large group  growth and self-confidence. Programs such as
      which met weekly.                                      the Mentor 1-2-3 were introduced when volumes
         By 2013, the club meetings had been reduced  of new members was too large for one-on-one
      to twice monthly and membership was dropping.  mentorships. Monthly writing workshops were
      The club seized the chance to revive with  generated to support members who couldn’t
      Chapin Zakrzewski as the club mentor. Chapin’s  find any other time to write a speech.
      continuous smiles and encouragement reminded              Today as I write this, our club had its first
      everyone why the Swan Island Toastmasters club  ever “Not-A-Tuesday” meeting. A third branch
      was created. We won distinguished club with the  of meetings set up to support employees who
      guidance of Chapin for 2012, and in 2013 she  can’t make Tuesdays. These meetings will be held
      set a trend of Presidents Distinguished for our  on Fridays twice a month. The second Friday of
      club every year.                                       the month will be for those employees located in
         Her drive motived other members to challenge  the new Daimler facilities, and the fourth Friday
      management support. In 2014 with the help of  of the month will be for those employees still
      David Hunt, DTNA agreed to have Toastmasters  located at Montgomery Park.
      membership listed on the employee intranet                A total of 6 meetings every month will be
      under “Training and Development”. This  supported by the Swan Island Toastmasters. All
      allowed Toastmasters membership to be paid  to support different avenues for our members
      as part of the training budget. Management was  schedules and work/life balance. SUPPORT is our
      encouraged to support Toastmasters and began  number one goal from Swan Island Toastmasters.
      to see tremendous changes in those employees              Last month we said congratulations to our
      who joined our amazing club.                           esteemed Chapin as she embarked on her newest
         Around this same time Swan Island  journey—retirement! Before she left, she set one
      Toastmasters was tasked by upper level  more trend for the Swan Island Toastmasters—
      management to create a place to give women  earning a DTM. As the current President of the
      employees a supportive venue to hone their  Swan Island Toastmasters, I was beyond proud
      public speaking skills. Chapin, Stephanie Hope,  to serve with Chapin, and hope to pass her drive,
      and Dawnette Hale created a separate meeting  enthusiasm and determination on to the fellow
      for women at DTNA. The women’s only meeting  members. No dream is too big when you have
      was a huge success! Women from all different  such an amazing support structure as the Swan
      levels and walks of life working for Daimler came  Island Toastmasters.
      together to share a common bond. We were                  Trenna Xavier joined Toastmasters in April, 2013.
      women, working in a male dominated industry  She is currently serving as club president.
      and Toastmasters could help us thrive.
         Our club has an ever evolving and
      continuously improving mindset. Even with

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