Page 52 - Voices March 2017
P. 52
Rose City Toasters – Looking
for Distinguishing Members
by Dawnette Hale, ACS, ALB
“H ello difference —more on this later.
F ello w Some of the recent accomplishments and
Toastmasters awards include a DTM for Jason Kent. Jason
and Guests” is is an accomplished engineer who volunteers
something we with the club. His commitment to the inmates’
hear often; it success in Toastmasters has helped the members
is the timeless phrase that begins many of our develop positive, successful communication and
meetings and speeches. When I hear this, my leadership skills. In addition to the efforts and
attention is captured and my mind shifts into accomplishment of DTM, the club has completed
learning mode—receptive, listening, and ready to two Competent Communcators, one Competent
support growth and achievement. It also causes Leader, and one Advanced Leader Silver. Club
me to double check and make sure I know all the members make consistent efforts to become
guests at the meeting. better speakers and leaders and represent
As I have learned from Toastmasters, Toastmasters well.
welcoming guests is an important part of club The club members are focused, accomplishing
success. Another key to club success is asking goals, and clear on the value of Toastmasters.
our guests if they are ready to become members. I am very proud of them. They are inspiring.
Many times our guests are waiting to be asked; It warms my heart when I see the changes in
they are ready to become a member, and ready to their confidence and skills. The work they are
say “Yes”. You might have guessed from the title doing has a direct correlation on their abilities
that I want you to join me as a member of Rose to make better choices and create better futures
City Toasters. You are right! for themselves, their families, and service in our
Let me tell a bit about the club and the potential communities.
benefits for you, for the club, and for our awesome Personal Benefits
District 7. Then you can decide if this is something If you decide to become a member of the
that might be inspiring, transformative, and worth Rose City Toasters, the potential personal
your very valuable time and money.
benefits are numerous and include becoming
Club Information an advocate, community building, supporting
needed transformation, and increasing your
Rose City Toasters is one of the prison clubs in speaking and leadership skills.
District 7. The club is located at Columbia River Advocate—many people within CRCI have
Correctional Institution (CRCI) in north Portland, not had positive role models of behavior and
near Marine Drive and the airport. CRCI is a communication. It is a stretch to join the club and
facility for inmates with less than three years to begin the deeper work for looking at patterns and
serve and for those preparing to transition out of beliefs that are limiting. You can be an example of
the prison system. The Club has achieved 6 of the a supportive person who believes in Toastmasters
10 Distinguished Club Program (DCP) goals to as a way to grow and change our lives.
date for 2016-2017. Recent history for DCP goal Community building—when the members
accomplishments include: 2016 - 7 goals; 2015 of Rose City Toasters leave with skills in
- 9 goals; and 2014 - 8 goals. Rose City Toasters communication and leadership, they add to
achieved Distinguished status three times over the value of our communities, rather than
the last 10 years. The only reason they have take and struggle. They may have learned how
not achieved Distinguished status every year is to contribute to the success of others for the
membership. This is where you can make a big
first time in Toastmasters. When you become