Page 20 - Voices March 2017
P. 20
5 Methods to Handle Conflicts
by James (Jim) Dent, LSSBB, DTMx2
The following article was first published on March 1, 2017 on LinkedIn.
It is reprinted wth persmission of the author.
Conflicts can occur It becomes a problem when individuals avoid
anytime. They can confronting important issues because of a dislike
be simple disagree- for conflict or a perceived inability to handle the
ments or differences of other party’s reactions.
opinion, or escalate to Example: A Leader or Manager might be aware
very serious arguments of a conflict between two of his/her people, and
and disagreements similar to road rage. will avoid the conflict by telling the two people
Individuals vary in the way they handle to work it out themselves—avoiding having to
conflicts. get involved.
There are five common methodologies for Conflict avoidance can become habitual to
handling conflicts. These methodologies can some people because of their personality or
be displayed graphically to show the varying because they feel incompetent with their ability
degree of cooperation and assertiveness each to handle it.
style encompasses. 2. ACCOMMODATION
The five methodologies are avoidance, The accommodating methodology is
accommodation, compromise, competition cooperative and unassertive. People exhibit this
and collaboration. Each methodology includes style give in to what the other side wants, even if
a different level of cooperation and assertiveness it means giving up one’s personal goals.
(or competitiveness) as illustrated in the chart Accommodation may be an effective strategy
below. if the issue at hand is more important to others
1, AVOIDANCE as compared to the person’s personal goals.
The avoidance methodology is an uncoopera- If a person habitually uses this style, that
tive and unassertive style. People exhibit this style person may begin to see that personal interests
seek to avoid resolving any conflict altogether by and well being are neglected.
denying a conflict exists. These people are prone Example: Bob has a conflict with a situation
to postponing any decisions in which they should and willing to give up his personal goals, or
get involved in resolving a conflict. family/work balance. Bob is giving in because he
While conflict avoidance may not be a signifi- is afraid of speaking up for himself and believes
cant problem if the issue at hand is trivial. that trying to work towards a compromise could