Page 51 - February 2017 Voices
P. 51


     5 Ways to Beat the Ground Hog &

     His Six More Weeks of Winter Ploy

     by Shannon Milliman, ACB, CL

         You know the old adage, “If the groundhog               hometown Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania?
     sees its shadow, 6 more weeks of winter.” If you’re         (How’s that for a word of the day?) I would
     like 99% of Toastmaster magazine’s readership,              assume a large percentage of our Toastmaster
     you live and breath every superstition that comes           population does not hale from this fair city
     your way— you might be fretting our collective              but every place has a story.  Those speeches
     destiny. Oh, you say, “I’m NOT superstitious?”              that tap into who we are and why we are have
     Have you ever avoided a crack just in case it               the potential to lift us up and unify us in a
     did, in fact. break your mother’s back?  Ever               meaningful way. Isn’t that one of the true
     wished on a star? Ever thought your horoscope               delights of being a Toastmaster?
     in Willamette Week was spot on? Ever questioned
     an ‘alternative’ fact?  See, I told                              4.   Take a picture and post it online
                                                                               of your Toastmaster club.
     you superstition has its place.                                             Preferably, could you do this
         Punxsutawney Phil has
     sentenced us with more winter.                                              while all of you are climbing
                                                                                      out of a burrow? (How
     As if a foot of rain, 6 inches of                                           else can I connect this to
     snow, and 4,320 additional                                                    this article?) Perhaps you
     car accidents in the                                                                     could schedule an
     Portland Metro                                                                                outside club
     area was not                                                                                  adventure
     enough.  Well,                                                                               where you all
     if you can’t beat                                                                     break bread, toast to
     ‘em, join ‘em.                                                           spring, share time together.
         Here are 5 tips to make the most of the
     remaining winter:                                               5.     Invite all the Toastmasters you
                                                                 know to donate their used Toastmaster
     1.  Get your fluffy little groundhog tail to your           Magazines and heft them all on top of Phil
         Toastmasters club. I know you have lots of              the groundhog’s burrow. If he can’t escape
         excuses, “It’s rainy—the snow is too bad—I’m            his burrow, we have taken back our own
         cold—I am not ready to commit to another                destiny and our own hope for Spring!  You
         speech yet.”  Not good enough. Show up and              could recycle them and share them with
         melt the snow together with your resounding             your Membership leader to provide new or
         applause supporting your club members.
                                                                 investigating members a glimpse into the
     2.  Recommend a ground hog themed meeting.                  Toastmaster potential.
         You can go hog wild!  Table Topics invited
         endless possibilities. A few that come to mind:
         When did you think you were headed one
         way (for 6 more weeks of winter, for instance)
         and life redirected and took you another
         direction? Besides Punxsutawney Phil, tell
         us about another pet your mother wouldn’t
         let you have?

     3.  Write a speech about your hometown. Is your

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