Page 10 - February 2017 Voices
P. 10
AS I SEE IT. . .
Why Members Love Their Clubs . . .
by Leanna Lindquist, DTM—District Director
Have you heard someone say “I love my attention. Discover your own strengths. Speak
club”? Do you feel that way about your club? to inspire and entertain. Assume a leadership
What makes a club worthy of being loved? It’s role. Get out of your comfort zone. Become a
the members. How they work together, support paid speaker.
one another and their desire for excellence. Members love their clubs when they improve.
It’s about looking forward to attending your
meeting and leaving feeling satisfied. You learn When they watch others improve. When they
some, you laugh some, and you grow some. help others improve. When they are invested in
You invite your friends and co-workers to join helping their club become Distinguished.
your club, because you want them to be part of Think about your Toastmaster self. What
this great experience. Friendship is important might you do with superb communication
in this club. Members often socialize outside skills? What if you were looked to as a leader?
the weekly meeting. Members are welcoming, What if you were known for your outstanding
positive and supportive. They genuinely care speaking skills? We have seen the skills learned
about each other’s progress and success. They in Toastmasters launch speaking careers, help
give specific, positive, helpful feedback. members land new jobs and gain promotions.
As a member of this club opportunities
abound. You can develop, practice and perfect Self-confidence gained has led to career changes,
your talent and skills. Learn to respond intel- goals realized and talents discovered. For some
ligently to impromptu questions. Exercise your it brought love and marriage.
time management skills. Develop your listening Could your life be more fulfilling and your
skills. Lead well organized meetings with career more rewarding? A club that you love can
confidence. Give presentations that command be the answer.
Is Your Passport Current?
Join us for the 2017
Toastmasters International
Convention in Vancouver, BC
August 23-26, 2017