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seats and began trying to pull one down.  From               Kim waited until I turned away. Then she
     her place in line, his mom scolded, “Anton, stop         snagged the box of Froot Loops, dropped it on
     that.  If you pull on those, they’ll fall on your        her breakfast tray, and draped her napkin over it.
     head and you’ll get hurt.”                                   As we carried our trays from the overcrowded
         As soon as she turned away, the little kid           breakfast lounge back to our hotel room, Kim
     began to pull on the boosters again.                     lagged behind the rest of us.
         Kim saw her chance! She could recover this               Her Dad loomed up beside her. “Did you
     mom’s esteem and feel helpful and good again.            take those Froot Loops, after your mom told
     So she went over by the boy, put her back against        you not to?”
     the stack and her arm out in front of the boy.               She opened her beautiful blue eyes wide.
     She said, “Your mom said no.”                            “No, Daddy.”
         For the little boy’s mom, that was the last              “Yes, you did, I saw you. And now you are
     straw.  From her place at the front of her line,         lying to me.  I think I know why you are lying.
     she screamed, “You leave my boy alone!”                  It’s uncomfortable to be caught misbehaving.
         Chris turned and stared at her. “What                But do you know why telling the truth is so
     happened?”                                               important, even when it would be much more
         “She’s a bully! She’s pushing my boy around!”        comfortable to tell a lie?”
         My shy, introverted husband yelled back, “She            Mutely, Kim shook her head.
     did not. My daughter wouldn’t do that!”                      “Do you remember that day when that
         The woman waggled her head, her hand on              mommy in McDonald’s yelled at you, and how I
     her hip, as she yelled, “You’d better take another       jumped in right away to defend you, even though
     look!”                                                   I had no idea what had happened until after it
         The whole restaurant went quiet.                                  was all over?”
     Except for that mom, who kept                                                 Kim nodded.
     right on yelling.                                                             “Well, I knew you were a
         The black manager,                                                     good person, and I trusted you
     from behind the counter,                                                   to make good decisions.  I didn’t
     murmured, “Would you like                                                  have to wonder about that. I just
     your order to go, sir?”                                                    spoke up for you.” He paused, to
         “Yes, please.” Chris gathered                                          let that sink in. “So, if something
     up the bags, scooped Caleb up                                              like that ever happens again, I
     and hurried Kim out.                                                       don’t ever want to have to hesi-
         Kim says, “I remember                                                  tate, to wonder if you’re a good
     sitting in the back seat, holding                                          person.  I want to always keep
     my French fries, trying to make                                            my trust that you are a person
     sense out of what had just                                                 that tells the truth and does the
                                                                                right thing.” Again, he paused.
     Kim’s Story, Part 2:                                                       “Let’s walk together back to the
         Kim is not sure how much                                               breakfast room, so you can put
     later this second part of her story                                       those Froot Loops back and pick
     occurred, but she said, “I could see                                   some other cereal.”
     the tops of tables, now.”                                      They did.
         Our family was staying at a hotel                        Chris quickly forgot the whole thing. To him,
     somewhere, one of those places that offers a             it was just another day, another moment in the
     self-serve breakfast in the dining room. Among           endless parental struggle to civilize our young
     other offerings, they had a lineup of those little       savages.
     boxes of cereals: Cheerios, Raisin Bran, Corn
     Flakes, Froot Loops.                                         What moral do you hear, in this two-part
         Kim grabbed the Froot Loops. I, her watchful         story?
     mom, said, “No way, kiddo. Put those back. Those             When our now-30-year-old Kim told us this
     are pure sugar, and you are not having sugar for         story, she said, “To me, those moments were
     breakfast. Make a better choice.”                        critical. I began to consider that my own actions

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