Page 28 - 2016 December Voices
P. 28


                                   Pondering Cognitive Ease

                                   by Joe Anthony, ACG, ALB

                                    Two presenters give a      I latch onto flashy presentations while ignoring
                                competition speech. One        substantial messages?
      waxes poetically about personal values, discovery,          If so, the competition judges seem to be in my
      awareness, self-actualization, and the winding,          camp. But what I’m theorizing today is that we’re
      often dangerous path that brought them to this           not just an audience of clapping seals, waiting to
      very time and place—all things that should               get our mental treat of intellectual anchovies.
      interest us. The other speaker talks about their         I suggest that cognitive ease may play a much
      quirky family. Who wins?                                 larger role in how receptive we are of another
          During this fall competition                                         speaker’s message.
      cycle—Table Topics and                                                      First, however, let’s have
      Humorous Speech—I attended                    Frequency,                 a quick look into the study of
      over a dozen competitions at               or familiarity,               cognitive ease. In 1969 Nobel-
      various levels. Midway through                                           winner Daniel Kahneman began
      my tour, I began noticing a              breeds trust and                taking out ads in the newspapers
      trend. The 1st place Table                                               of Michigan colleges. These ads
      Topics speakers had, without             positivity in our               consisted of single, nonsense,
      exception, used humor, simple
      language, clear metaphor, and  mind. This has                            made-up words, splashed across

      great physical gestures. These            become known                   the ad panels. Words like Kardirga,
                                                                               Saricik, Biwonjni, Nansoma, and
      are all characteristics we’ve                                            Iktitaf.
      come to expect from exceptional                   as the                    Some words would be given
          Good presentation habits  Exposure Effect.                           the star treatment at one college,
      aside, I started noticing something                                      showing up on dozens of pages,
      else, too. Something perhaps                                             while the same word might appear
      more sinister. I noticed that when I tried to            once or twice in a rival publication. After several
      write down the message or moral the winning              weeks of publishing this word salad, Kahneman
      speaker was imparting on me, I couldn’t squeeze          distributed a questionnaire asking the readers
      more than a few words onto the page. From four           to rate his made-up words. He wanted them to
      different winning speakers, here are four separate       rate which words felt most “positive” and which
      messages I came away with;                               felt “negative.”
          Family is important. Be kind to strangers.              Can you guess which words had the most
      Speak your message. Don’t procrastinate.                 positive ratings?
          Nothing new here. I know these lessons                  If you guessed that the words most frequently
      already. I mean, I really know them, down to             printed were also the most positively rated, then
      my toes. So why do I enjoy an anecdote about             give yourself a cookie. Frequency, or familiarity,
      a lovably dysfunctional family, more than a              breeds trust and positivity in our mind. This has
      speech from the fourth-place runner-up who               become known as the Exposure Effect. Frequently
      espoused living “in the moment?” Why, at another         seen words feel good to us. Frequently heard
      competition, did I vote for a simple yet humorous        phrases, metaphors, and stories feel good to us.
      message, while barely deigning to acknowledge            This also applies to familiar shapes, songs, names,
      a presentation about “owning one’s authentic             and even faces.
      personality?” Am I shallow? Simple-minded? Do               When you see a co-worker at the grocery

         28                                                               VOLUME 3 ISSUE 6  DECEMBER, 2016
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