Page 40 - Voices November 2016
P. 40


                                   We’re All A Little Weird

                                   by Heather Augello,  CC

                                   Heather Augello is the 2016 District 7 Toastmasters Humorous Speech
                                   Champion. Her winning speech, We’re All a Little Weird, can also be viewed
                                   on Youtube at
         “This stupid, wagon wheel, Roy Rogers,               to think about it,” and I turned to walk away and
     garage sale coffee table!” That’s my favorite line       that’s when he leapt to his feet. He put his arm
     from the movie When Harry Met Sally. It’s the            around my shoulders and pulled me in tight.
     moment their two best friends, Marie and Jess,           He made me squat down as he pointed to the
     are moving in together and Jess is desperately           painting.  He said, “I need you to take a good
     trying to keep                                              look at him, I mean really look at him, the
     his wagon wheel                                             man behind all the make-up, that’s a really
     coffee table. He                                            good looking guy in there.”  And he was. Sold!
     just wants  to                                              I wrapped it up, took it home, and I hung it
     know “What’s so                                             on the wall behind my toilet.
     awful about it?”                                                And just so you know, a few months later
     And Marie tells                                             I found out that that was actually one of
     him “that it’s so                                           Barnum and Bailey’s most famous circus
     awful there are                                                                        clowns and he was
     no words to even                                                                       a good-looking
     describe how                                                                           guy behind it all.
     awful it is.”                                                                          Purchase vindicated!
         Toastmasters,                                                                          My next item was
     guests, if you have                                                                    a tiny Snapchat from
     ever cohabitated                                                                       1964. I envisioned
     with someone                                                                           it was taken on a
     you know this               “Our eyes locked”                                          Sunday morning
     scene. It’s the                                                                        because the young
     moment your                                                                            lady’s beehive hairdo
     stomach sinks when you realize that now                                                was still coiffed, just
     two people have a say in what stays and                                                a little smooshed
     what goes. . .and all of your stuff is on the                                          in back. She was
     chopping block.                                                                        wearing cat-eyed
         When I moved in with my husband I               “With a horrified look on her face”  glasses and a ratty
     didn’t have one proverbial wagon wheel                                                 bathrobe. She was
     coffee table I had three.                                                              sitting on the toilet
     The first was my beloved clown painting. I saw           doing a crossword puzzle staring up at the
     him at the swap meet, with his shock of red hair         camera with a horrified look of surprise.
     and lopsided grin. Our eyes locked! I knew he                When I saw her on the table at the flea market
     had to be mine. I asked the vendor how much.             our eyes locked!  And my heart broke. I knew
     He said, “well it’s a signed oil painting so I’m         she had to be mine. So I brought it up to the
     gonna need 20 bucks.”  I said, “20 bucks for this        vendor and I asked how much. The vendor took
     thing?  His mouth is crooked!”  And then he tried        the snapshot from me. She looked at it, then up
     to convince me that the frame wasworth at least          and me, and flicked it in my face. She yelled,
     that much. I said, “I don’t know I’m gonna have          “Why you want this?” I was really taken aback,

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