Page 4 - Voices November 2016
P. 4

EDITORIAL                                              Publisher

                                                                                  Phyllis Harmon, DTM                                              Speech Champions SPEAK
                           Dr Smedley’s Mea Culpa

                           by Phyllis A. Harmon, DTM                              Associate Publisher                                        Interviews with Heather Augello & Daniel Flood
                           Editor/Publisher                                       Brenda Parsons, ACS, ALS                                                                             by Linda Bradley, CC, ALB

          I love a good apology. They warm my heart and reaffirm that             Senior Editor
      we are all works in progress. It helps me know that I am not the
      only one boomeranging from one life lesson to the next.                     Phyllis Harmon, DTM
          Dr. Ralph Smedley, in Personally Speaking, admits that some
      of what we hold as sacred tenants of Toastmasers behaviour were             Associate Editors
      his personal biases.
                                                                                  Leanna Lindquist, DTM
         “In my earlier days as a teacher of public speaking, I was inclined      Donna Stark, DTM
         to be dogmatic. I emphasized my personal likes and dislikes, and
         made rules to fit. . .Then I accepted those dicta as rules of speech,    Cathy French, DTM
         and taught as though they were. To this day we hear it said of
         certain mannerisms, A Toastmaster never does that. . .I forgot that      Layout/Design
         I was just one member of the audience, and that other people             Phyllis Harmon, DTM
         might like what distressed me. I took my own ideas too seriously.”       Curtis Low

          I think it’s important that we “own” our opinions. To stop and
      question why we think and act the way we do. I’m reminded of               2016-17 Officers
      my days as a newlywed. My husband insisted that there was only             District Director
      one way to hang shirts in the closet. Shirt faces must be hung to          Leanna Lindquist, DTM
      the left, never to the right. Why? Because that’s what the military
      taught him. When I was growing up, we always ate fish on Fridays           Program Quality Director
      because our religion taught us so. Years later I read that Fish            Donna Stark, DTM
      Fridays were introduced in the 1500’s to boost the flagging fish
      industry in Italy.                                                         Club Growth Director
          Whenever I’m the general evaluator, I ask evaluators to follow
      up suggestions for improvement with why they think the change              Cathy French, DTM
      should occur. (One pundit was overheard saying “because I                  Finance Manager
      said so!”). It helps the speaker to understand the context of the          Jill Ward, ACB, ALB
      evaluator’s comments. It also illustrates that the evaluator listened
      carefully, internalized what was heard and seen, and genuinely
      offered suggestions from the heart.                                        Administrative Manager
          In 1945, Dr. Smedley closed his apology with the following:            Rodger Cook, ACB, ALB
         “It is always the speaker’s responsibility to make his speech
         effective. If he does that, applaud him; commend him; vote for          Public Relations Manager
                                                                                 Phyllis Harmon, DTM
         him, even if he violates all the rules in the book. If he doesn’t put
         it over, even though he follows every rule, his speech is not a        Voices! is published monthly by
         success. The test of the speech is not in following the textbook,      District 7 Toastmasters. First issue
         but in making the sale.”                                               published August 2014. Submit
      It still holds true today.                                                articles or contact contributors at

         4                                                                VOLUME 3 ISSUE 5  NOVEMBER, 2016                     VOLUME 3 ISSUE 5  NOVEMBER, 2016
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