Page 25 - Voices November 2016
P. 25
Learning Leadership
by Tanya Feinstein, Member of Future Stars
Everyone who joins understand my role by asking
Toastmasters joins to questions. Being a Treasurer has
become a better speaker. taught me more than just learning
However, on their way to how to manage a bank account; it
becoming a great speaker, has taught me how to be a leader.
with or without realizing it, This year, Future Stars held
they enhance their leadership their elections. The old officers
skills. were handing over their positions
Last year, around the to someone new. I wanted to
time of November 2015, continue to develop my leadership
my gavel club, Future Stars, skills, and that pushed me to run
held an election. This is the for President. This year, I am
time when the members run Co-President of Future Stars.
for a certain officer position, Going into the elections, I was
and where the members not unsure about how to take on such
running vote for who they a role as President. However, I feel
feel would be best for this prepared to face the obstacles of
position. I decided that I the job. Through my experience in
wanted to take leadership in being a Treasurer, I have enhanced
my club. When I was elected Treasurer of my my leadership skills, and taking this position
club, I knew it was going to be challenging. Our as President is only an opportunity to become
club did not have a bank account set up at the better.
time, so along with the help of one of my coaches, Future Stars Gavel Club, is a youth
I got to experience the process of creating our communication and leadership club administered
club’s very own account. by Toastmasters International, helping the
My duty as the Treasurer is to write and cash young people of today become the great leaders of
checks, to make sure members of the club have tomorrow! The club is open to all middle school
paid their dues, and to give input on our financial and high school aged kids. It gives them the
status at our officer meetings. I was required to opportunity to become better listeners, thinkers,
make it to most of the meetings, and to turn in speakers and leaders.
all of my assignments on time. In the beginning, The club meets weekly during the school year
I struggled quite a bit in terms of completing every Saturday from 10:30am-12:00pm at 4115
assigned tasks. Even though I struggled, deep SW 160th Avenue, Beaverton, Oregon 97007 in
inside I knew that taking on this role would be the first room in the portal. To learn more about
great for my leadership skills. Future Stars or to visit the club, pleas contact us at
During our officer meetings, it gave me the or contact
opportunity to speak out, and give my thoughts Coach Eric at 503.516.6271. Visitors are encour-
on how to improve our club. Throughout aged to visit the club and see for themselves why
my position as Treasurer, I also found myself Future Stars should be part of their educational
going above and beyond to help myself truly journey.
You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you
cannot do.
Eleanor Roosevelt