Page 19 - Voices November 2016
P. 19
Extraordinary Millennial Award PERSPECTIVES
• You are under the age of 30 Marriage/Toastmaster Mania
• You are busy, technologically savvy, by Shannon Milliman, ACB, CL
and willing to use your talents to help
others There do exist Toastmaster fanatics in this where you could
world. I’m sure you’ve never met one. But to help another reach their goals-personal or
• You help other Millennials fi nd what humor me, consider this case study: Marjorie is professional? Could someone else help you?
you have through a bright eyed, 79-year-old and William Burgess, Networking need not be an overwhelming
a younger man of 72, called Marjorie in his last
principle. I like to take a wedding philosophy
Toastmasters humorous speech contest “a cougar.” when I attend a conference. Next time you are
Both widowed, they married at a local at a conference decide to connect in an easy,
Elks lodge where they met and where meaningful way with four separate people. This
How to Win their Toastmaster club meets. This is a token for you to help you remember
is their second marriage, and it
all started at a Toastmaster club. your plan. Just like the old adage, at the
Recruit 5 or more Millennials into Marjorie thrives in leadership. next conference look for “something old,
your own club or another club in Area Governor proved to be something new, something borrowed,
something blue.” Alter this
the District between November 1, her favorite experience. William just a bit to something old (a
2016 and March 31, 2017 has competed three times at his Toastmaster you haven’t seen
district for the humorous
speech contest. He hasn’t in a while-say hello and catch
and placed yet but Marjorie up), someone new (introduce
someone you have never
encourages him to keep met), something borrowed
Help fi nd and sponsor a new club trying. He blames (exchange in conversation with
in a young-minded, energetic bad judging. Marjorie someone with intent of finding
corporation or community rolls her eyes and somehow you can “borrow” their
affirms that they skills or share your own with them),
have regular Judges something blue (find someone
New Club Assistance I’m an Extraordinary Millennial trainings in their area so wearing blue—tell them how you
he has to take some personal
picked them out and ask them how
accountability. long they’ve been a Toastmaster).
The Club Growth Director, Club Extension Chair and other members of the Marriage and Toastmaster conferences are This strategy is a fun, easy way to
New Club Team are there to help you start a new club both celebratory events. Celebrating together, maximize your conference attendance, give
the 2016 fall conference was a delight (if you yourself a meetable challenge and celebrate.
were listening carefully during the Table Topics Cheers to Marjorie and William. Cheers to a
For more information, contact: contest, I declared it was the 2017 contest! [What great conference and to many more!
can I say I am a futurist, always looking forward,
Be the First to Receive the just like a good Toastmaster should be!]). We
were uplifted by Patricia Fripp’s no nonsense
Extraordinary Millennial Award approach and inspired by our peers who worked Coming together is a beginning;
hard to lead, organize and compete.
In conference settings, one of the greatest keeping together is progress;
benefits comes from one-on-one interpersonal working together is success.
interactions with other Toastmasters. Who did
you sit by? Did you discuss goals you are each Henry Ford
working on? Did you find out any opportunities