Page 10 - Voices November 2016
P. 10


                                 Share What You Know. . .

                                 by Cathy French, DTM—Club Growth Director

                                   Think back to the             flyers on pages 18 and 21 for all the details.
                                first Toastmasters                  Participating in these contests and helping
      club you joined. Do you recall why                                             clubs in your area can bring
      you joined the club? Was it because                                               clubs into the Healthy
      of the number of members?  Did it                                                   Zone.
      seem like the right fit? Did the club                                                 • How do you know
      and the Toastmasters program give                                                     when your club is in
      you what you wanted?  Did  the                                                       the Healthy Zone?
      club strength provide                                                              •    Every member  has
      you the benefits you                                                             one role per week
      wanted to receive from                                        •  Members regularly give speeches
      Toastmasters?                                                 •  Members serve as mentors to new and
          What is club strength?                                        seasoned members
      It’s enough members and                                       •  Club has enough members so they only
      club excellence to provide                                        take on one role per meeting
      the benefits members are                                      •  20+ members in the audience
      looking for.                                                  Why should you take on either of these two
          Would you like to help other                           challenges?  You will help others and at the
      Toastmasters restore club strength to                      same time be given an opportunity to share
      their clubs?  There are some                                             your experience, talents, and
      members and clubs in your                                                    discover aspects of yourself
      area that could use your                                                        that you didn’t even know
      help. How can you help?                                                            were there. Leverage
      Participate in the newest                                                             your strengths, your
      District 7 membership                                                                  marketing and
      contests. The Extraordinary                                                            persuasion talents
      Millennial Award and Reach                                                       to help others achieve the
      for the Stars officially started November                              level of success you have achieved.
      5th. They continue until the end of the                         Share your knowledge and experience
      Toastmaster year, June 30 2017. See the                    and “Reach for the Stars.

           “Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve


                                                                                     -- Dalai Lama

         10                                                               VOLUME 3 ISSUE 5  NOVEMBER, 2016                     VOLUME 3 ISSUE 5  NOVEMBER, 2016
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