Page 27 - 2016-10
P. 27

has played a really beautiful role in guiding me            Got an opinon?
through the learning process. I missed meetings            Voices! is looking
due to my busy schedule. As soon I get spare               for feedback! Do
time, I would love to renew my membership.
One day I would like to introduce Toastmasters               you like what
to my organization.                                        you are reading,

What can we do to help you in your work?                    yearn to learn
    The main goal of Local Women’s Handicrafts             something new,
                                                            or simply want
(LWH) is to teach women freedom. When you
have the capacity to develop your strength, you               to be heard?
can live your life with pride and dignity and                  Now’s your
everyone deserves that. All you need is a bit of            opportunity to
support and hope. That is what I hope to give              share what you
to these women, if they want to make a change                think! Simply
in their life, with a bit of support and hope, they        click on this link
can come here to work and live until they figure              and fill out a
out whats next.                                            Feedback Form.

    Each woman who participates in LWH goes
through a training program for 12 months.
Women have a choice in which skills they want to
pursue. Some of which include: design, sewing,
weaving, embroidery, knitting, jewelry making,
and pattern work. The women also have the
option of living in the workshop house. While
in training, each woman receives a stipend and
hopefully a sponsor to help live during their
time there.

    With these new skills, a stipend and 12 months
in a safe community of women, they will be able
to take the next steps necessary to progress in
their lives, become independent and self suffi-
cient- living and working on their own.

    One of our projects is on the way to comple-
tion but due to financial instability we are still
working on it. If you can support this mission
and help me complete it, I can focus my energy
on the next project. Thank you.
     Please follow us on our non-profit projects
at If anyone is interested
in supporting our mission by selling Women
Crafted products contact us through To follow me please visit
    Nasreen joined Moser Toastmasters in May 2016.
She travels frequently in her work, and returns to the
club as a visitor when time permits. You can learn more
about her life’s work through her website and the many
interviews she’s given on radio, television, and in print
media. Please visit her websites and help her make the
world a more equitable place in which to live.

Volume 3 Issue 4 - OCTOBER 2016                            27
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