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Coos Bay Toastmasters Club #249

by Harvey Showe, DTM

Coos Bay Toastmasters Club # 249 was             1946 according to Toastmasters Magazine.
originally called Marshfield. Eugene             The club incorporated into Area 8 along
Toastmasters club #145 assisted in organizing    with Coquille Club #605 and Roseburg Club
the new club during late 1943. The Coos Bay      #604 in 1948. John H. Nelson served as Area 8
Times newspaper reported on February 16,         Governor from 1948 to 1950. Don Persinger,
1944 that the club was receiving a charter from  representing Area 8, served on the1948 District
Toastmasters International. The 20-member        7 Nominating Committee.
club met on Thursday evenings at the
Chandler Hotel for the charter presentation.            An offshoot of the Coos Bay Toastmasters
On March 17, 1944, Charles S. McElhinny,         club was North Bend Toastmasters Club #688
District 7 Governor made the charter             chartered February 17, 1949 at the Club Balboa.
presentation to the club president.              The charter program was printed on a piece of
Marshfield Club Officers
Wayne Chaney, Club President                         •	 Toastmaster: Ennis Keizer
Charles Robinson, Vice-President                     •	 Topic Master: Oscar Olsen
John Nelson, Secretary-Treasurer                     •	 Speakers: Ernest Kennedy, Frank
Ray Hunsaker, Deputy Governor
Dr. R. M. McKeown, Sergeant-at-arms                       Whitlock and Kenneth Reckard
                                                     •	 Evaluator: Blair T. Alderman, Lt.
Marshfield Charter Members
F. M. Scoville                                            Governor District 7
J. Alfred Person                                     •	 Charter Presentation: Irving L.
C. Wylie Smith
Stillman Wessela                                          Saucerman, District 7 Governor,
John Bergen                                               Portland Toastmasters Club # 31
Lewis H. Small                                       •	 Charter Acceptance: W. D.
Walter Waite Jr.                                          Holllingworth, President Club No. 688
Lloyd Quick                                          •	 Welcome: John Nelson, Area 8 Governor
George C. Hug-Horne                                       from Coos Bay Toastmasters Club
Lloyd KunniPeter Gray Jr.                             Sylvanus Smith of the Coquille
                                                 Toastmasters club, Area 8, served on the
       Speakers from the Eugene Toastmasters     District Educational Committee. Coos Bay
club for charter meeting were club president     Toastmasters club in now an active prison club
Howard Needham and Carroll Adams.                that meets at SCCI Shutter Creek Correctional
Fred Brennie served as general critic. The       Institute. The North Bend Toastmasters Club
Marshfield club speakers were G. C. Huggins      charter number transferred to a Canadian
and Ray Hunsaker.                                club after the club disbanded. The Coquille
                                                 Toastmasters club is no longer active. The
       The club name was changed to Coos         charter number transferred to Lake Oswego
Bay Toastmasters club in 1945 and was placed     Toastmasters club.
in Area 2. May 1945, the club charter was            NOTE: Toastmasters International no
suspended, most likely because of World War      longer allows the transfer of club charters.
II. Rationing made training materials difficult
to obtain. The club was reactivated August

18 Volume 3 Issue 4 - OCTOBER 2016
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