Page 42 - 2016 September Voices!
P. 42

Speechcraft: The Most Powerful
Toastmasters Tool

by Michelle Alba Lim, DTM

                                       A Toastmaster friend  Voice & Vocal Variety, 5) Using Visual Aids
recently asked me, “What’s Speechcraft?” I                   and Presentation Skills, 6) Effective Speech
replied, “Speechcraft is the most powerful tool              Evaluation to Motivate, and 7) Impromptu
in Toastmasters vast arsenal.” My friend gave                Speaking.
me a “here-you-go-being-crazy-again!” look
and insisted, “Seriously, what’s Speechcraft?”                   Experienced club members are often
I repeated my first response, then added                     reenergized by their Speechcraft involvement.
with a smile, “Speechcraft is a magnificent                  Seeing people blossom and grow because of
membership-building tool, a superb strategy to               our help is a very fulfilling reward. Speechcraft
motivate, develop, and retain current members,               volunteers can also earn credit for delivering
and a wonderful way to start a new club.”                    speeches from advanced communication
                                                             manuals as well as the “Better Speaker Series.”
    Wide-eyed, my friend gasped, “Wow! Is                    New club members are inspired to stretch
Speechcraft really THAT powerful?”                           beyond their comfort zones and help out. Plus,
                                                             the Speechcraft Coordinator can use Speechcraft
    “Yes, in my opinion, Speechcraft is REALLY               as a High Performance Leadership (HPL) project.
that powerful!” I assured her.
                                                                 Finally, as immediate past Division C
    Toastmasters International calls Speechcraft             Director, Janet Zeyen-Hall, has personally
the “#1 membership-building tool for clubs.”                 experienced, Speechcraft can lead to the birth of
President-elect Balraj Arunasalam goes a step                a new club. In March, Janet started Speechcraft
further and considers it the most powerful tool              at the Recovery Outreach Community Center
for starting new clubs. “I see it as a “triple crown”        (ROCC). The response was very enthusiastic.
program. It’s great for recruiting new members,              Within a few months Peer Masters was born!
retaining current members, and starting new
clubs.”                                                          The Toastmasters International website
                                                             explains, “Speechcraft can be offered as an
    Many people find it easier to sign up for a              integral part of your club meeting or as a
finite program than for club membership. As                  seminar-style program presented outside the
they participate in Speechcraft sessions and                 club. It can be conducted in four, six or eight
become better and more confident speakers,                   sessions. Conducting Speechcraft inside the club
their desire to join usually increases. Clubs can            setting makes it easier for participants to become
help with this decision by covering the joining              members. Conducting Speechcraft outside the
fee in the Speechcraft fee. Some clubs even                  club setting can lead to the formation of a new
charge enough to pay for the first six months of             Toastmasters club.”
membership, should the graduate decide to join
the club. Speechcraft Coordinators should also                   To learn more about the benefits of
highlight that graduates who join get credit for             Speechcraft or how to get started, contact me at
the first three speech projects in the Competent    or Cathy French, Club
Communicator Manual.                                         Growth Director at

    According to the Toastmasters International                  Michelle Alba-Lim joined Toastmasters in 1996.
website, “Speechcraft is a program that allows               She is a member of Roseburg Toastmasters and
experienced Toastmasters to present the funda-               Competitve Speakers PDX. She is serving as the
mentals of public speaking to non-members.”                  District 7 Immediate Past District Director and
The program covers several topics, such as                   2016-17 Speechcraft Coordinator.
1) Speech Organization and Construction,
2) How to Relate to Your Audience, 3) Using
Body Language and Gestures, 4) Your Speaking

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