Page 34 - 2016 September Voices!
P. 34

Scott Stevenson—Jump In With
Both Feet

by Linda Bradley, CC, ALB

                                   Recently, I had the plea-  Toastmasters Leadership Institutes (TLI) and
sure of sitting down with Scott Stevenson of                  conferences. As a recent Club Coach, Scott
District 7 to talk about his involvement with                 and Carrie Henderson helped Civil Tongues
Toastmasters and get his perspective on a few                 (Portland) become a thriving club.
                                                                  In 1997, a job requirement brought Scott to
    “You learn by doing.” This is the concept Scott
Stevenson shared as being central to excellent                Toastmasters. He was surprised how quickly he
performance in Toastmasters, and he has lived                 gained the confidence to speak in front of his
out these words to become one of District 7’s                 colleagues. Scott has stayed with Toastmasters
most accomplished Toastmasters.                               to share what he’s learned; his reward is seeing
                                                              other people’s growth. He recommends
    His quiet and steadfast presence as a member              members jump in with both feet because “you
and long-time officer of three clubs helped steer             learn by doing.”
Marylhurst Toastmasters (West Linn), Mentors of
Focus (Wilsonville) and Civil Tongues (Portland)                  Join me in congratulating Scott Stevenson
to continued success.                                         as one of District 7’s most illustrious members!

    Scott was awarded the Lou Webb Award at                       Linda Bradley joined the Wilsonville Mentors of
the Toastmasters Celebration of Communication                 Focus Toastmasters in 2015. She serves as VPPR, and
and Leadership in Wilsonville on August 27,                   when she’s not thinking about Toastmasters, Linda is
2016. His long-time service as mentor and coach               thinking about writing songs.
to District leaders is most appreciated.

    Scott has earned his Distinguished
Toastmaster designation 5 times, been
Toastmaster of the Year twice (2004 and 2010)
and served as District Governor in 2009-2010.
He mentored Cathey Armillas (2010-2011),
Deveny Bywaters (2011-2012) and Leanna
Lindquist (2016-2017) for their roles as District
Governor/Director. Scott served as Chair of the
Nominating Committee multiple times, long-
standing Credentials Chair and District Report
Writer, presented and trained at countless

34 Volume 3 Issue 3 - SEPTEMBER 2016
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