Page 12 - 2016 July voices
P. 12
The Definition of a
Toastmaster—PJ Kleffner
by Brinn Hemmingson, ACG, CL
Like many enthusiastic wanted to start a
Toastmasters, PJ Kleffner is club at Metropolitan
well known around District 7. Community
“Enthusiastic” might not come Church (MCC). He knew it was
close! How many Toastmasters something powerful—something that
do you know who can say the must be shared. Most members of
following? He has belonged to MCC belonged to the gay, lesbian,
four clubs, and held the following bi-sexual or transgender community.
offices: 6 x President, 5 x VP Ed, Many of them lacked communica-
2 x VP Membership, 1 x VP PR, tion skills that would help them be
4 x Secretary/Treasurer and 3 x successful, or survive, in this crazy
Sgt-at-Arms. world.
Still a new Toastmaster, when PJ mentioned
PJ said, “I’ve also been an Area Governor 3-4 wanting to start a club, a team of people sprang
times (I don’t remember for sure), a Division into action to help. Among them were Cleon
Governor twice, Lt. Cox, Marsha Ware, Allan Edinger, Carl and
Governor of Marketing Dorothy Cottingham, and Gary Schmidt.
in 2008-2009, and They did a demonstration meeting, and three
D7 Parliamentarian a months later had the 20 members needed to
couple of times. I’ve charter Babble-On Toastmasters on March 31,
also chaired or helped 2004. Since then he has “paid it forward” many
with registration for times by helping
conduct demo
D7 conferences meetings to start
and TLIs many other new clubs.
times, and helped Babble-On
conduct numerous Toastmasters has
demo meetings been a strong club
over the years.” from the very
beginning. It
PJ joined achieved “Select
Silicon Forest Toastmasters at Tektronix in Distinguished
October, 2001. Unlike many members, he was Club” the first full year of existence and
an experienced presenter, having worked in President’s Distinguished Club every year after
sales. After a major reorganization, he became that. GLBT members are now in the minority,
responsible for developing tactical plans and but it’s still a very diverse club. The club relo-
marketing programs for products, with less cated several times, and currently meets at the
speaking opportunities. “One day, I noticed a Presbyterian Church of Laurelhurst, near NE
Toastmasters flyer on the bulletin board and 33rd and Sandy Blvd.
thought, ‘I bet they will let me speak there.’ They (To learn more about Babble-On Toastmasters,
did, and there was no looking back.” please visit their website and drop in on any meeting.
Visitors always welcome!—Editor)
PJ recognized the benefits of Toastmasters and
12 Volume 3 Issue 1 - JULY 2016