Page 35 - Voices.June.2016final
P. 35


Where Do You Want to Go?

                                              by Shannon Milliman, CC

                                      In the professional     measurable objectives  and present them
                                 arena, all program effec-    to your club during business sharing for
                                 tiveness is measured.        input.  And once established evaluate your
                                 If you can’t quantify or     baseline and progress throughout the year.
                                 qualify it, don’t expect to  Surveymonkey or paper survey forms could
                                 see it around next year.     be distributed to club members to determine
                                 We bring our professional    their level of progress and satisfaction with
                                 “A-Game” to Toastmasters     your defined objectives. The intention will be
                                 in hopes that modeling       to see improvement throughout the year. If
                                 excellence will transfer to  you do not it can be an opportunity to adjust. 
                                 better work performance.     Could it be possible that dwindling numbers
                                                              in your club could be because your club is no
                                    In the beloved Lewis      longer meeting the needs of its members?
Carroll story, Alice in Wonderland, Alice came to             Do you know your member’s diverse needs?
a fork in the road.                                           If you know not where you are going, there
                                                              is no perceivable way that you can take the
    Which road do I take?” she asked.                         right road to get you there. Allow that club of
                                                              yours to revitalize the wonder of a new, eager
    “Where do you want to go?” responded the                  member and explore the possibilities just like
Cheshire cat.                                                 Alice. But maybe, don’t drink the potion that
                                                              says “Drink Me.”
    “I don’t know,” Alice answered.

    “Then,” said the cat, “It doesn’t really matter.”

    I’ve an uncanny hunch that your club might
be like my club: very unaware of where it is we
plan to go.  As many clubs have recently elected
new officers consider starting your newly formed
leadership team with a brainstorming session
about where the club’s leadership believes the
club should be going. Come up with some specific

Volume 2 Issue 12 - JUNE 2016                                          35
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