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customer who wants something different from THE LITTLE THINGS
your core offering, or something contrary to your
corporate values, you shouldn’t suddenly change by Tessa Winger
your stripes. Somewhere there’s a company
offering just what those people want, and you When I was little I never
should encourage them to go find that company. noticed that it was physi-
Even better, develop a stable of companies with cally impossible for Santa
different values form yours, and refer those Claus to reach the house of
clients on. That way everybody gets to work with every single child in the world in order to
the people they love, and we all have happier, deliver presents. Also that not everyone in
less stressful lives. the world has a “Santa”. You just don’t notice
the little things like that.
When it comes to your Toastmasters club,
these aren’t new suggestions. I’ve recommended I cannot stress how important the little
this approach in previous articles. But just as things are, such as showing up to your club
the moon pulls the sea, the siren song of the on time, every single meeting. People will
new pulls us off our consistent path, so it bears start to notice you as someone who will be
repeating. Own your club’s personality, your there and who they can rely on in the club
club’s focus; that is your strength and it is what to get things done. People will recognize
attracts the people who will be your strongest your face and be able to call you by name.
members. Be consistent about what you do and This goes beyond Toastmasters. If you want
what you offer members and visitors. And be to get something done and be in control of
relentless. Keep doing your thing, no matter if what goes on around you, the best thing to
40 people show up or 4. You never know when do is to be a leader and someone people are
the right people are going to be in the room, and able to come to. 80% of success is showing
you have to be ready when they are. up. That’s how I was able to achieve my
Take inspiration from the beach when it comes role as Sergeant at Arms and the Best
to your marketing, and enjoy your summer! Toastmaster at my club.
Janet Clesse Hager joined Toastmasters for The next time I really started to realize
how important the little things are was when
Speaking Professionals in 2015, and became a Voices! I co-ran my club’s first ever member T.T
competition. At first things seemed easy,
staff writer in 2016. She can help you figure out what just show up and run a meeting right? But
no - you need to make a script, get people’s
makes your company different, who needs to know names, print off the awards, sign all twenty-
four of them, show up an hour early, send
about it, and how to connect the two. She’s a marketing a third email to the parents, get the food
request sent out and so many other things.
and branding specialist, a dynamic speaker, distiller The little things are easy and people don’t
tell you about them when you sign up. But
of information, and solver of problems. Her company they add up and if you don’t do them things
definitely won’t run as smoothly. .
is called Tinfish Initiatives.
The little things are so important to
keeping a balanced club, whether it’s
arriving early to help set up or running
a club contest and signing your name
on a document. Or, noticing that it was
physically impossible for Santa to reach
everyone’s house in one night.
Tessa Winger is a member of Future Stars
Gavel Club. She is serving as Sergeant at Arms
for her club.
Volume 2 Issue 12 - JUNE 2016 25