Page 6 - 2016 April Voices
P. 6
members were allowed online participation in used red, yellow and green toy chickies. . .you
clubs as long as the majority of members met never know what the next Timer is going to use!
in person. Phase 2 allows for online clubs where
the majority of members are not in a single Speeches, just as in brick-and-mortar
physical location. These clubs: traditional clubs are manual speeches that are
always evaluated. We schedule meetings and
a. Are all undistricted. track our progress through Easy-Speak.
b. Attend district-sponsored club officer
training when available. We are blessed to have a member in our
c. Are potentially mentored by members of club who owns a license to GoToMeeting, and
beta online clubs. we have been using that since our first meeting
d. Are not eligible to participate in any on April 12, 2015. We are looking at alternatives.
Speech Contests outside of their club other (Note: there are reviews of video conference tools
than the Taped Speech Contest. and appropriate computer peripherals in the
e. Determine the online platform to be used. Online Toastmasters Facebook group. There are
f. Must begin existence as newly chartered currently over 1000 participants in that group.
clubs. Existing clubs may not become online Two other members of Firebirds Collective and
clubs. I are the administrators for that group.)
Protocol 2.0: Club and Membership
Eligibility was updated and the Board Club Minimum Requirements
unanimously voted to approve modifications
to Policy 2.0: Club and Membership Eligibility.” A. Meetings are held at least 12 times per year.
On March 29, 2016 the Firebirds Collective B. Regular meetings are conducted in-person,
chartered with 28 members from Australia,
Brunei, Canada, Germany, Malaysia, Mexico, except when a club decides to allow a
New Zealand, Philippines, the United Arab minority of its members to attend online, or
Emirates, the United Kingdom and the United when a club has chartered as an online club
States of America. in which all members may attend online.
The Firebirds Collective had helped to turn C. Members work toward communication and
Toastmasters International around. leadership awards.
Those Firebirds? They REALLY inspire me! D. Members give oral manual speeches and
Sagnik Biswas, one of the editors of Spectrum, evaluations.
a newsletter from INFOSYS Toastmasters in E. Members have the opportunity to develop
Mangalore, visited the Firebirds Collective and practice leadership skills and earn
on March 20 when the theme of our meeting leadership awards.
was Star Trek—Beyond the Toastmasters. You can
read his comments to gain his perspective of Susan gave her first Icebreaker on May 14, 1981
the club. at the Washtenaw Toastmasters Club #3054 in Ann
We have an upcoming meeting theme which Arbor Michigan (USA). She moved from Ann Arbor to
is Story Fest Around the Campfire. We have a mix Maryland in 1984 and credited the Crown of Laurel
of “originals” who have been with us for almost Toastmasters club with her first DTM on December 23,
a year and newer members. Originals will 1987. She remained with the club through mid 1989,
share brief highlights of our history and newer when she took a long leave of absence to care for her
members will share their hopes and dreams for ailing parents. She returned to Toastmasters in 2005
Firebirds Collective. and has served in various club and District offices. She
Other Firebirds Collective meetings have anticipates receiving her second DTM this Spring.
looked like traditional meetings: a Toastmaster
of the Day, speakers, evaluators, table topics, A lifelong learner with a Master’s degree in Library
grammarian, AH counter and so on. Timing and Information Services, Susan enjoys music by
devices have been everything from simple Beethoven, photography by Ansel Adams, Star Trek,
sheets of red, yellow and green construction and the company of good friends from many different
paper held in front of the Timer’s web camera cultures around the globe.
to red, yellow and green peppers held in the
Timer’s hand. Just before Easter, our Timer
6 Volume 2 Issue 10 - APRIL 2016