Page 15 - 2016 April Voices
P. 15

subconscious impression. Often it’s not one         your message into the system at one end, and that
thing that tips the scales, but the combina-        message gets reinterpreted at every step along the
tion of choices you’ve made throughout your         way until it comes out at the other end. The more
messaging and materials. Make sure all of           crisply you can enunciate your message in the
those choices you’re making are in line with        beginning, the likelier it is to make it through to
the impression you want to make.                    the other side intact.

Road Block Three: the black box                          That’s why messaging is so important. Carefully
effect                                              crafted messages have the best possible chance of
                                                    getting through all those road blocks and making
    You carefully craft your message, gently        it to your receiver.
send it on its way toward your receiver, and
hope for the best, because what happens                  When it comes to your Toastmasters club, here
to it once it gets in your receiver’s head is       are some things to think about. Where should you
completely out of your control. You don’t know      place messaging about your club? What phrases or
what they’re going to do with the informa-          words should ALWAYS be used, and what phrases
tion. You don’t know if they’re having a great      or words should NEVER be used to describe what
day, or if their dog just died. You don’t know      your club is all about? Who are you trying to reach,
whether they love you right now or hate you.        and what internal mental roadblocks might you
You don’t know whether they’ve had good or          need to overcome?
bad experiences with other practitioners in
your industry.                                           Janet Clesse Hager can help you find develop
                                                    powerful messaging, and then some. She’s a marketing
    Starting to seem maybe not so simple?           and branding specialist, a dynamic speaker, distiller of
                                                    information, and solver of problems. Her company is
     It’s like that kids’ game, telephone. You put  called Tinfish Initiatives.

Volume 2 Issue 10 - APRIL 2016                      15
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