Page 13 - 2016 MARCH issue
P. 13


Spotlight on Jane Wolfe, ACS, ALB

By Alexis Mason, DTM

                 Jane spent                               to live. She and Norman used a Google
                                               her early  program called to help
                                               years in   them decide. The program is designed to
Minnesota. Later she attended the University              help you find your home. They entered
of Wisconsin in Madison and earned her                    their top twenty values and desires and guess
degree. She had been a reporter and
editor for various publications, but                                   what popped up? If you guessed
during her senior year in Madison,                                     Portland, you are correct.
she took an art class. That was a
significant opportunity for her.                                            	However, it was Vancouver
    	 Jane relocated to Denver and                                     instead. That was at the end of 2011.
worked as a systems analyst. She                                       In February of 2012 they joined
also sold both computer hardware                                       Vancouver Toastmasters, club 353,
and software in California. In her                                     one of the oldest in our district.
spare time she became involved with                                    Since then Jane has served as an
improvisation. Her purpose was to                                      area governor and needs only to
focus on spontaneity, to be playful,                                   coach or mentor a club to achieve
and to meet people. That was a second                                  her DTM. That is in the works.
significant opportunity for her.
    	 Artist commissions allowed her to                                     	Outside of Toastmasters,
stay home for six months to figure out what               Jane works with Norman and on her own,
was going to be next and to decide where                  consulting and teaching improv in the public
                                                          and corporate sector. Her first book Improv
                                                          Your Relationships is nearly ready to go. And
                                                          we say, “You go, Jane.

Leadership Opportunities

by Leanna Lindquist, DTM

    Opportunities to practice and grow your
leadership skills are abundant in District 7. It’s
not too early to consider an appointed position
for the new Toastmaster year beginning July 1st.
If you want to be considered for a position as an
Area Director, Administrative Manager, Financial
Manager Public Relations Manager please submit
your name for consideration.

Volume 2 Issue 8 - MARCH 2016                             13
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