Page 31 - 2016 february issue
P. 31

One Fish, Two Fish, Blue Fish. . .

 by Noor Khan, Future Stars Gavel Club

    “One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish” in one, big  has made me a better
                                                           and more understanding
pond. Every individual fish has its own contribution       learner. –Jasiah

to the world, whether it has a positive or a negative          Up until my freshman
                                                           year in high school, I have always been fairly
impact on the ones around it. Dr. Seuss left his mark on   shy. It was only until I joined Future Stars,
                                                           where I found my confi-
the world through his influential words that inspire so    dence. I’ve been attending
                                                           these meetings for the last
many, including the members at Future Stars: a gavel       two years and it has left me
                                                           feeling confident with not
club of Toastmasters located in Beaverton, Oregon.         only public speaking, but
                                                           communicating with others
The diverse group of youth members are small fish          as well. Future Stars enables
                                                           me to express my opinion
in a big pond. They strive to not only make a positive     and allows me to become
                                                           more outgoing. –Tanya
difference through influential words, but also through
                                                               All three members described how Future
meaningful actions. It’s far too easy for our genera-      Stars helps them develop their confidence in
                                                           communication by listening and effectively
tion to cruise through life without delving deep into      expressing their thoughts. As Future Stars
                                                           members, we recognize that being able to
our minds to question who we are and for what we           communicate is the first step to living actively
                                                           and becoming strong leaders.
stand. The Future Stars members reflect upon these
                                                               Noor Khan attends Southridge High School as
two questions much more frequently than the average        a senior and has been an active member of Future
                                                           Stars for four years. As the former Vice President,
teen. Future Stars makes it impossible for its members     Secretary, and Treasurer, Noor understands the
                                                           value of communication and leadership in the
to continue living passively as others try to make deci-   modern world. Her hobbies include reading, trav-
                                                           eling, climbing trees, feeding the squirrels in her
sions for them.                                            backyard, and being a ninja.

    When asked to consider the question, “How does               “If your actions inspire
                                                              others to dream more, learn
Future Stars impact your life on a daily basis?” this         more, do more and become
                                                              more, you are a leader.”
is how Ahad, Jasiah, and Tanya—three devoted club
                                                                 – John Quincy Adams
                                Taking part in a

                           Toastmasters gavel club,
                           as a sixteen-year-old, has
                           dramatically developed
                           my public speaking and
                           communication skills. The
                           impromptu speeches in
                           Table Topics have improved
                           my ability to answer any
question on-the-fly, even the questions that
my English teacher asks me about Romeo and
Juliet! My social skills have improved and I can
talk to anyone without the constant fear that
I’ll mess up. -Ahad
    I always knew that having a
voice was important. However,
Future Stars taught me the
importance of knowing when to
stop speaking and start listening.
I’m more conscious about
different perspectives when I make
an effort to observe my friends,
family, or my teachers. At school,
these skills help me facilitate my learning and
connect with people. I really believe this club

Volume 2 Issue 7 - FEBRUARY 2016                           31
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