Page 21 - 2016.01.19Voices!
P. 21

out of its oceanic home by          That’s because they use chro-     strange, idiotic, or heinous, you
bored jerks.” It’s a documented     matophores, pigment spots that    can still find recent videos of
species that can reach over 150     can contract or expand, which     people going toe-to-tentacle
pounds of angry invertebrate.       help them mimic their environ-    with these poor cephalo-
                                    ment better than if they had      pods. Another victory for the
    If you’re from the internet     personal cloaking devices. At     internet, I guess?
like I am, by now you may be        least in Sci-Fi movies invisible
rolling your eyes, unimpressed      creatures sparkle and shimmer         Joe Anthony is a long time
by grown men whose claim to         when they get wet. Putting a      member of Willamette Writers, and
fame is grabbing a wet mass of      60-lb octopus in a half nelson    won second place in the 2014 Kay
wrinkly flesh from the ocean        would be like wrestling the       Snow fiction contest for Engines
floor. That is, until you consider  invisible man on his home turf,   of Sephione. He also edits and
the ink clouds, the high intel-     if he suddenly went slack when-   writes short articles for the gaming
ligence, the raw strength, the      ever you dragged him over the     and comedy website Statbonus.
camouflage, and the venomous        threshold of his front door.      com. He is a member of Liberty
beak of the octopus.                                                  Talkers, where he serves as VP
                                        By and large the sport of     Education, and a charter member
    A quick search of Octopus       Octopus Wrestling has died        of Storymasters where he serves as
Camouflage videos on YouTube        out and is now banned in most     VP Public Relations.
reveal blending techniques that     states. But like most things
would make a chameleon weep.

Happy Anniversary To January Clubs

                                    The following clubs are celebrating their charter
                                    anniversary this month. Congratulations to all!

                                     Chartered  Years                 Club Name
                                    1/29/2004   12 Bridge
                                    1/1/1995    12 Downtown Public Speakers
                                    1/15/2003   67 Evergreen
                                    1/4/2010    21 Motormouths
                                    1/1/1995    53 Myrtlewood Hootowlers
    A special shout                 1/1/1946    13 Pearl District
  out to Evergreen,                 1/1/1981
                                                39 Professionally Speaking
 Hootowlers, Totem                              6 Swan Island
Pole, and Vancouver
who have passed the                             5 Testmasters
 half-century mark!
                                                21 Toasting Excellence

                                                61 Totem Pole

                                                70 Vancouver

                                                35 Wallmasters International

Volume 2 Issue 6 - JANUARY 2016                                                  21
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