Page 21 - VoicesMar2015 .pub
P. 21
d Trip. . .

Are you looking forward to the District 7 Conference Be the Best: Communicate and Lead
with Impact, but dread the long drive? We have the answer!
Toastmaster Jim Robison has made arrangements for a bus and driver to travel from
Portland to Canyonville in time to
take advantage of the Friday
night networking activities,
appetizers and program which
are included in your conference
Imagine a bus full of
Toastmasters driving to
Canyonville and back. What
great fun! It will take you back
to your high school days. There
must be a speech in that. What happens on the bus stays on the bus. Make this a weekend to
remember with your Toastmaster family and as they say, “leave the driving to us”.


 Travel with a professional bus driver with a spotless driving record (retired)
 This is a coach bus, not a school bus
 Leave Portland metro area Friday May 1st at approximately noon
 Arrive in Canyonville prior to 5:00 pm for networking and appetizers
 Stay over night at 7 Feathers Casino*
 Return Saturday night to Portland about midnight


 $20 each if enough members sign up
 7 members registering together receive a special rate of $77 each
 Take advantage of the bus and 7/$77 all for $97 - this is only $2 more than the

current registration fee of $95. (This is an offer you can’t refuse.)

How to get on the list:

 Contact Jim Robison or 503-960-3736
 Respond by Tuesday, April 14th
Visit the District 7 Conference page on the D7 website for complete conference
*Hotel registration is on your own and not part of this package

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