Page 7 - VoicesFeb2015 .pub
P. 7
cial Media—Continued from page 6) to be able to compare your evaluations
with other evaluations? Perhaps you want
this link and learn what it takes to be a to create a video for your club, but are not
speaker at the International Convention in sure what that should look like. If so,
Las Vegas this August. The discussions on Youtube is the place for you. If you want
this page have been pivotal in my own to experience something fun, go to the
Toastmasters successes. International Toastmasters YouTube
channel and type “happy toastmasters” in
Meetup the search bar. You will see a video put
together by a club in Annan, Jordan. If you
Meetup was started in watch the video, you will see that they
response to 9-11, when presented potential visitors with
people in New York city wanted to find abundant information about their club
one another amidst the chaos. It is (location, members, values, educational
basically a calendar where groups post program, awards) while giving visitors an
times and locations for people to “meet idea of their club culture. Your club can
up.” There are meetups for everything you show off your own culture. To find the
imagine (from hula-hooping to happiness District 7 Toastmasters YouTube content,
groups to Toastmasters. You are in luck in click here. One of my clubs, Marylhurst,
that is it free to join Meetup, but there is a regularly captures video of speakers in the
cost to setting up a group—and District 7 club and then posts it on the club
has set up one that is free to use for YouTube page. The speaker receives a
everyone in the District. Click on this link private link to their speech. Ryan Avery
and set up a free user profile. Then send and other successful speakers will tell you
an email to, to record your speeches and watch them
and you will get invited to the group. As if you want to get better rapidly. Talk with
soon as you are added, you will be made your fellow Toastmasters or district
an administrator so you can set up your leaders to get started. YouTube has more
club meetings on the calendar. My club than funny animal videos.
Babble-On often gets visitors from people
who learn about us through our calendar
post on Meetup.

YouTube Twitter

Have you ever had to give a At the end of 2014, Twitter
speech and wondered what to surpassed 284 million monthly active
do? Or, been considering users. Twitter allows you to post short
participating in a speech contest and
wondered what that looks like? Or wanted (Continued on page 8)

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