Page 2 - VoicesJan2015 .pub
P. 2
the Archer. . .
Phyllis Harmon, DTM—District Governor

Can you believe it? Our Toastmasters year is half over! Seems like
only yesterday that we turned the page on a new year. Now's the
time to review what we've personally accomplished towards
meeting our Toastmasters goals. Let me ask, "are you on track for
earning your next communication award? What do you have left to
do to earn your next leadership award?" If your progress has taken a back burner to other
pursuits, what do you need to do to get back on track?

It seems that goal setting has gone out of favor in lieu of "living in the moment." I
appreciate spontaneity in table topics and revel in spur-of-the moment humor, but
wonder how one recognizes when they've reached their destination if they've not
planned the journey?

I was reading a blog called "Move Me Quotes" where the author said "give a man a bow
and arrow, and tell him to SHOOT, and his first response would be "at what?" He could
shoot any where, and wherever the arrow landed, that's where it landed. No muss, no
fuss. On the other hand, if you challenge the archer to hit the bulls eye on the target,
everything changes. You've given him something to aim at, something to measure
progress against, something to strive towards. Will he hit his target? Chances are
stacked in his favor. As the archer plots his course, takes variables into account, and
keeps focused, he will hit his mark. However, the question remains, "Will he hit his target
if he doesn't have the end in mind? How will he ever know?"

The same is true for your Toastmasters goals. Toastmasters has provided clubs with a set
of goals called the Distinguished Club program. They've also provided you with a tool
called the Member Achievement Record, recommended that you complete it, and share
it with your VP of Education. With half the year already behind us, there is still time to
set a target and work towards hitting your personal bulls eye. It's never too late to
sharpen your arrows, set your target goals and focus on what you want to accomplish.

If you plotted your course last July, it's time to celebrate your successes, re-evaluate
what's left to do to hit the bulls eye, plan for the variables, load your bow, and focus on
the target ahead.

Aim high and you will finish strong.

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