Page 7 - voicesdec2014
P. 7
side the Walls—Continued from page 6)
“I could see that our member’s confidence was increasing. I remember how great it was to see a new
member, who was so scared his squeaky voice sounded like fingernails raking down a blackboard,
overcome his fear and in time, win best speaker at a meeting. He then Listed below are the awards
went onto to speak at a Humorous Speech Contest. It was like now we Capital Toastmasters has
were getting to learn to cook from a mom instead of a cookbook.” achieved and the year in which
Allan Edinger, DTM, who is each was earned.
now the prison liaison for
Awards earned prior to the 2003-2004-
program year will not appear.
District 7, talked about how Membership Building
the OSP club got started. “I Programs
was D7 Governor, when we Beat the Clock - the club added
launched a club-building five new, dual or reinstated
campaign, and Capital members during May and June.
Toastmasters was one of the
17 new clubs we brought in,” 2009-2010
Smedley Award - the club
Edinger said. “I had visited the Capital Gavel Club as early as 1992, but added five new, dual or
didn’t approach them about switching until 2004. The first night, 20 reinstated members during
members signed up and paid. August and September.
“On the second Wednesday of every month Capital’s 30-plus members 2011-2012
(which includes me and Janice Hallmark), hosts five or six visitors from 2014-2015
outside clubs. Janice and I also participate in Capital’s speech contests Talk up Toastmasters - the club
so we can represent the club beyond the club level. added five new, dual or
reinstated members during
“Ron earned his DTM by communicating through monitored phone February and March.
calls and emails, making club visits by proxy or holding club, area and 2006-2007
division governor meetings inside the prison. For the ten-years we’ve 2007-2008
been keeping records, Oregon Toastmasters who join community 2008-2009
clubs after leaving prison, have a zero rate of recidivism. I get lots of 2010-2011
inquiries about starting prison clubs, but would like to see more of Distinguished Club Programs
them follow through and actually start them.”
President's Distinguished Club -
Edgemon who joined the Capital Gavel Club in 1998 and then the highest level of recognition
Toastmasters once it became available, speaks with enthusiasm about available. The club met the
the number of lives he’s seen drastically change in his ten years as a membership prerequisite and
achieved at least 9 of the 10
Toastmaster. goals.
“The more we do the more we learn, and we won’t be the same 2008-2009
people going out that we were coming in,” Edgemon said. “The 2009-2010
benefits of a real club have been in learning to do the extra. 2010-2011
Changing the ‘what’s in it for me’ mentality to the ‘serving others’ 2011-2012
mentality. I can’t say enough about the members, the executive body, 2012-2013
the staff, Allan and everyone else who helps us do it.” 2013-2014
Janice Hallmark, a community Toastmaster member who continues to drive the once a month 140-
mile round-trip from her home in Springfield to the prison, says that Capital Toastmasters is one of
(Continued on page 8)
“I could see that our member’s confidence was increasing. I remember how great it was to see a new
member, who was so scared his squeaky voice sounded like fingernails raking down a blackboard,
overcome his fear and in time, win best speaker at a meeting. He then Listed below are the awards
went onto to speak at a Humorous Speech Contest. It was like now we Capital Toastmasters has
were getting to learn to cook from a mom instead of a cookbook.” achieved and the year in which
Allan Edinger, DTM, who is each was earned.
now the prison liaison for
Awards earned prior to the 2003-2004-
program year will not appear.
District 7, talked about how Membership Building
the OSP club got started. “I Programs
was D7 Governor, when we Beat the Clock - the club added
launched a club-building five new, dual or reinstated
campaign, and Capital members during May and June.
Toastmasters was one of the
17 new clubs we brought in,” 2009-2010
Smedley Award - the club
Edinger said. “I had visited the Capital Gavel Club as early as 1992, but added five new, dual or
didn’t approach them about switching until 2004. The first night, 20 reinstated members during
members signed up and paid. August and September.
“On the second Wednesday of every month Capital’s 30-plus members 2011-2012
(which includes me and Janice Hallmark), hosts five or six visitors from 2014-2015
outside clubs. Janice and I also participate in Capital’s speech contests Talk up Toastmasters - the club
so we can represent the club beyond the club level. added five new, dual or
reinstated members during
“Ron earned his DTM by communicating through monitored phone February and March.
calls and emails, making club visits by proxy or holding club, area and 2006-2007
division governor meetings inside the prison. For the ten-years we’ve 2007-2008
been keeping records, Oregon Toastmasters who join community 2008-2009
clubs after leaving prison, have a zero rate of recidivism. I get lots of 2010-2011
inquiries about starting prison clubs, but would like to see more of Distinguished Club Programs
them follow through and actually start them.”
President's Distinguished Club -
Edgemon who joined the Capital Gavel Club in 1998 and then the highest level of recognition
Toastmasters once it became available, speaks with enthusiasm about available. The club met the
the number of lives he’s seen drastically change in his ten years as a membership prerequisite and
achieved at least 9 of the 10
Toastmaster. goals.
“The more we do the more we learn, and we won’t be the same 2008-2009
people going out that we were coming in,” Edgemon said. “The 2009-2010
benefits of a real club have been in learning to do the extra. 2010-2011
Changing the ‘what’s in it for me’ mentality to the ‘serving others’ 2011-2012
mentality. I can’t say enough about the members, the executive body, 2012-2013
the staff, Allan and everyone else who helps us do it.” 2013-2014
Janice Hallmark, a community Toastmaster member who continues to drive the once a month 140-
mile round-trip from her home in Springfield to the prison, says that Capital Toastmasters is one of
(Continued on page 8)