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September, 2024

                                                                          About the Session
                                                             Do you work hard to recruit new members only to lose
                                                             them at renewal time? I'm Leanna Lindquist, please join
                                                             me on September 9th for the next episode of Marvelous
                                                             Monday Meetups, where we will explore why members
                                                             don't renew, how and when to start membership
                                                             retention, and what added value you can provide to
                                                             increase membership renewals. Don't be disappointed at
                  DIVISION AND AREA DIRECTORS                the next renewal. Register now for hang on to your
               Monthly DECM scheduled for 9/23,              members, stop the revolving door.
               Director training - September 21,                                Congrats and a fist pump to the 39 who
               2024 8:00-Noon                                                   submitted Pathways Levels in August!
               Go to the D7 calender to register                                Click here to see who they were. . .

          Audacious Orators Visit 9/4/2024                 CALL FOR SPEAKERS
                                                           CALL FOR SPEAKERS
       District Director, Dr. Gwendolyn Avington,           Calling for all potential presenters. If you’ve got a message to
       going to prison on 9/4/2024 as a guest speaker      share or want to present a club officer role, now is your
       addressing the members of Audacious Orators         opportunity. Click here to complete the questionnaire. Submit
       at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility.              it with a short video on your topic and/or presentation style.

           Pathways Changes
         UPDATE  To ensure a smooth transition to the new  Join Toasting Excellence  Open House online or in

                                                           person on 9/11 at noon. District Director Dr. Gwendolyn
          system, there are a few important things for
          you to know. (Click here for more info)
                                                           Avington will be the featured speaker. Check the
                                                           website for more info

                                                              Celebration of Leadership

                                                                         This is a live event. 9/14 at 10 AM
                                                                         to Noon. Come, meet, and

                                                                         congratulate your fellow
                                                                         American Legion 40 et 8, 2809 NE
                                                                         78th Street, Vancouver, 98665 in
                                                                         the Boxcar Meeting Room

     Toastmasters International - 1924—2024 - Celebrate 100 Years!